From $200K to $28.9M in Monthly Sales Using the Stepite Method

How Stepite Helped a Company 100X their Monthly Amazon sales revenue

In June 2019, a mattress company approached the Stepite team with a problem. Though they were a well established brand with almost 50 years of experience, they had never been able to crack the top 10 of their category on Amazon and thus were missing out on the search optimization and increases in sales that result from a high ranking. Pulling from millions of Amazon data points on customer searches and purchase trends, the Stepite team set out to create actionable insights for the mattress company that, if implemented, would result in increased brand visibility and sales.

The Stepite Method

Drawing data from millions of E-commerce records, Stepite was able to create a custom  Product Insights  report for the company. This report detailed the competitive landscape, keywords, price points, and market trends. Most importantly, the report also provided actionable insights that the company could implement and see immediate increases in customer visibility, category ranking, and sales. The first three specific action points from the  Product Insights  report were:

1) Improve Images

Stepite provided custom and specific recommendations to optimize product images, including: tone, color, angle, and number of images and videos on the company’s Amazon listing pages.

2) Keywords

Drawing from a detailed analysis of market trends, Stepite identified the most commonly searched keywords and phrases that customers were using to find the company’s products.

After adding these words and phrases to the product listing, more customers found the company’s products. 

3) Multi-Brand Strategy

Counter to traditional brick-and-mortar business practices, Stepite advised the company to implement a multi-brand strategy and suggested specific new SKUs (with accompanied price-points, keywords, and images) that helped the company capture more market share 


Category Ranking On Amazon: #3

Monthly Revenue: $28.9M
Amazon Market Share:  11.6%

The implementation of these three action points led to immediate sales increases. By August 2019 the company’s Amazon sales revenue had increase by almost $500K. However, the constantly changing E-commerce landscape offered more growth opportunities for the company, and Stepite was ready to help. Over the next 8 months, Stepite provided monthly P roduct Insight  reports with additional actionable insights. The implementation of these insights  bolstered both revenue and customer visibility leading to a rapid climb in the company’s category ranking. After 10 months of strong revenue growth, powered by the implementation of the actionable insights, the Mattress company’s Amazon revenue hit a new high,  $28.9M. In just 10 months, the company had m ultiplied their monthly Amazon revenue by more than 100, climbed to 3rd in overall sales among category competitors, and captured 11.6% of their market.  By employing a data-backed Amazon strategy, the company had transformed into one of the major players in their product category on Amazon and had finally matched their brick and mortar success with E-commerce excellence.

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with data from the leading

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